Core42’s bilingual AI for Arabic Speakers

Experience a significant advancement in the field of artificial intelligence and Generative AI.
Specifically trained to understand the linguistic nuances and cultural sensitivities of the Arabic language. JAIS seeks to preserve Arabic heritage, culture and language and democratize access to AI.
JAIS is fluent in Arabic and English, making it the go-to solution for Arabic-centric Generative AI use cases at enterprise grade and scale.
JAIS is a family of up to 30-billion parameter GPT models, delivering superior performance and efficiency in tasks such as summarization, comprehension, and text generation.

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Key Benefits

Bilingual capability

JAIS leverages the largest dataset of Arabic tokens to ensure linguistic accuracy and cultural sensitivity across Arabic dialects.

Powered by cutting-edge supercomputing

Trained on our Core42 Condor AI , the fastest AI supercomputer for training large language models. This enables large-scale, efficient pre-training of our models to ensure industry-leading results in Arabic and English knowledge and reasoning capabilities.

Easily integrated wherever you build

Available open-weights on HuggingFace for downstream development, through the JAIS Chat app for functionality review, and through our Compass API for experimentation.

Adaptive fine-tuning

Beyond its out-of-the-box capabilities, JAIS is based on a standard Llama2-like architecture making it easier to fine-tune to deliver increased accuracy for domain-specific use cases. It is especially efficient to fine-tune for Arabic to deliver superior results and performance.

Geared for enterprise

Localization has the power to connect, engage, and inspire by bridging language barriers. With seamless handling and reasoning across bilingual content, JAIS enables organizations to unlock access to the Arabic speaking world.

  • Education
  • Banking
  • Government
  • Healthcare
  • Media

JAIS in Education

Transform the learning experience with the power of JAIS; Enable students to unlock their full potential as bilingual learners, effortlessly navigating between Arabic and English to access a breadth of knowledge unlocked through natural language.

  • Empower teachers to create innovative course designs to generate curriculum content.
  • Build personalized learning experiences for students through tailored content and improved accessibility.
  • Accelerate language learning and develop cultural understanding with coaching and real-life language simulations.

JAIS in Banking

Enrich customer experience with JAIS, bringing automated interactions served in local language, that save time and enhance efficiency.

  • Boost customer satisfaction with an AI assistant serving quick access to various documentation summaries to make informed decisions.
  • Automate manual processes ensuring customers have quick and easy access to essential services.
  • Recognize patterns to identify suspicious behavior and mitigate risks.

JAIS in Government

Enhance citizen-government interactions, modernizing government operations through streamlined processes and bilingual capabilities. Facilitate smooth, more responsive interactions with services for citizens with accurate responses to inquiries and requests in Arabic and English.

  • Enhance accessibility to public services with automated processes in English and Arabic.
  • Speed up processes with the easy and accurate creation of documents in both languages.
  • Enhanced search and discovery with improved access to digital government archives.

JAIS in Healthcare

Elevate patient care through the automation of manual processes and leveraging insights from patient data to ask the right questions, empowering healthcare organizations to deliver personalized and efficient care.

  • Broaden medical consideration and achieve faster diagnoses with JAIS analyzing patient data, alongside doctor assessments.
  • Provide culturally competent care, with automated translation of verbal and written clinical information.
  • Optimize the patient intake process, collecting basic information before connecting with the appropriate doctor.

JAIS in Media & Entertainment

Delight your customers and increase your reach with relevant and accurate content generated across Arabic and English speaking audiences. Using JAIS, marketing teams can automate manual tasks, leaving more time to focus on creativity and storytelling.

  • Improve localization by creating engaging content for Arabic and English-speaking audiences.
  • Personalize user experiences with tailored content and recommendations.
  • Optimize production workflows by automating manual processes.

Answers to

Frequently Asked Questions

How does JAIS compare to other Arabic LLMs?

JAIS 30B Chat has been evaluated by Core42 on a wide range of benchmarks and has shown remarkable results. In Arabic, JAIS 30B Chat outperforms the majority of existing open Arabic and multilingual models by a sizable margin, demonstrating better knowledge and reasoning capabilities. Learn more about the model's performance here .

Model Average Points
(Points across knowledge, reasoning & misinformation/bias)
JAIS-30b-chat-v3 51.3 51.3
JAIS-chat (13B) 49.22
acegpt-13b-chat 45.94
BLOOMz (7.1B) 43.65
Mixtral 8x7B instruct 43.54
acegpt-7b-chat 43.36
aya-101-13b-chat 41.92
mT0-XXL (13B) 41.41
LLama2-70b-chat 39.4
Llama2-13b-chat 38.73
Can I get a free trial of JAIS?

You can try JAIS online with this link .

Are there any other parameter models of JAIS available?

Yes, the JAIS model family consists of 1.3, 2.7, 6.7, 13 and 30 billion parameters models, contact us to discuss your specific requirements.

Where can I download JAIS Chat?

You can get started with JAIS on Azure Marketplace or download JAIS Chat on iOS and android.

Answers to

JAIS on Azure Questions

What is JAIS 30B Chat on Azure?

JAIS 30B Chat on Azure allows for increased flexibility in model choice and addresses the multilingual needs of companies. Azure AI provides a secure, scalable, and compliant environment for deploying and managing AI solutions, as well as a rich set of tools and services for developing, fine-tuning, and evaluating AI models.  

Are there rate limits for the JAIS 30B Chat model on Azure? 

Yes, there are rate limits for the JAIS 30B Chat model on Azure. Each deployment has a rate limit of 200,000 tokens per minute and 1,000 API requests per minute. Contact Azure customer support if you have additional questions.

What does it cost to use the JAIS 30B Chat model on Azure?

You are billed based on the number of prompt and completions tokens. You can review the pricing in the Marketplace offer details tab when deploying the model. You can also find the pricing on the Azure Marketplace

Where can I get more information?

Find out more through this technical blog on the Microsoft Tech Community.

Do I need GPU capacity in my Azure subscription to use JAIS 30B Chat? 

No, you do not need GPU capacity. JAIS 30B Chat is offered as an API through Models as a Service.

Take a deeper dive into JAIS

Learn more about JAIS
by downloading
our whitepaper


Watch our
launch video
for JAIS


Find out more about
our partnership
with Microsoft


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